Saturday, 31 March 2012

Building Summer Math Skills

Math doesn't have to be left behind at the classroom door. It is possible for kids to re-enter school in the fall without having lost ground; in fact, it's possible for them to re-enter with more skills than they left. There are multiple routes you can take, depending on the time and resources you have, and your teaching inclinations.

Many parents get a little more time with their kids during the summer. This is a great opportunity to show them the ways that you use math on a daily basis. A trip? Shopping? Food prep? It all adds up to math time. This not only keeps skills sharp, but can give them an edge. Many children struggle with complex word problems and relating skills to the real world. It's so much easier to remember to ask, "Does it make sense?" when there's a real world problem to solve.

There are also a lot of fun activities and games that keep math skills pencil sharp.Organizations like the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics have online resources to help you. And if you do need math packets or more structured learning? I've got some suggestions there, too.

Planets and Solar System

Solar System posters and charts are a great way to teach children about the universe that we live in. The study of our solar system and planets has fascinated mankind for centuries. This fascinating world beyond our planet is so immensely vast, that scientists have barely scratched the surface. However, what we have learned so far, about the world that we live in and beyond, is breathtaking.

On this web page, you will find interesting facts and information about various aspects of the universe including the solar system, planets, galaxies, and nebulas (nebulae). This is not meant to be an in-depth study resource on the solar system, rather, it is a place where you can get educational posters and material of the solar system which can be used as a teaching aid.

You can take a Quiz to test your knowledge on the solar system. You can also purchase educational gifts, toys and coloring books focused on learning the solar system. Have fun exploring a bit of the universe that we live in!

Learning Plant Identification

Have you ever wondered what plants are growing around your house? Have you been hiking out in the woods and wanted to know the name of the plants you were seeing? I hope this guide will help you learn how to identify plants you have been seeing. However, it is geared towards identifying natural species, not garden and ornamental plants. It will work for non-native plants as well as native plants.

There are many resources one can use to identify plants. These include field guides, keys, photographs, and illustrations. Yet, plant identification is best learned by working in the field with other botanists. Attending a workshop or seminar on plant identification is an excellent way for the amateur botanist or plant enthusiast to learn the skills that will help in future plant identification endeavors. Hands on field practice outside is essential.

In this guide, I will teach you how to use different resources to identify a plant. You will also learn plant terminology, which covers many of the words needed to find out what particular plant you have. A large drawback to many of the guides to plant terminology is the lack of photographs of actual plants and plant parts. I have included as many of these as I could find to help illustrate specific plant parts and give you a better idea of what to look for when you're in nature trying to determine an unknown plant. Hopefully, you will share your new skills with others and come to better appreciate and notice the plant life all around you.

Letter B Coloring Pages and Pictures – Learn the Alphabet

Letter B activities await including coloring, crafts, videos and pictures to help kids learn the letter B.

Most children learn better if doing it in a fun environment with activities they enjoy. I have some simple words to help with learning as well.

There are enough things for kids to do here to keep them entertained while learning for quite awhile. All you need to get started are some crayons!

Image courtesy of WPClipart. Additional clipart used on this lens is also courtesy of WPClipart.

Each of us has a preferred way of using the two hemispheres of our brain

The Brain Test: Determine which side of your brain left or right is dominant Most people  have a distinct preference for one of these styles using their brain. Which one are you?

The answer to this question will reveal things about yourself you never knew before. You may discover the secret source of your creativity. You might also find a rational and logical part of yourself that you thought you lacked.This is the lens of discovery.

How to Cope with Failure - The Many Ways to Deal with Failure

We all fail at something at some point in our lives. We may fail to make the grade at school, may lose a job, may lose the love of our life, among other things. As you have success, you have failure. They are two sides of the same coin. You can't have one without the other, even though you wish you experience only successes and no failures. Failure is a fact of life. It is always lurking just around the corner and you have no choice but to learn to deal with failure, if you are to be successful. So, how does one deal with failure? Here are some ways you can deal with failure and turn your failure into a success.

Don't Brood Over the Causes:
A lot of people can't help themselves from dwelling over the reasons for their failure. While it is important to learn from mistakes you've committed that may have contributed to the failure, dwelling on it excessively can be mentally exhausting. Doing so will just make you more miserable. Instead, make a few points of the reasons for your failure and resolve to learn from them and avoid repeating them.

Don't Go Into a Shell:
Another classic pattern found among people who've experienced failure is the tendency to go into a shell. This is understandable but not desirable or healthy. When you cut yourself off from friends and family and cocoon yourself in your own little shell, all you do is to magnify many times over the failure you've suffered. When you are alone and don't share your feelings, you feel the burden of failure weighing on you more. Instead, keep the channel of communication open. Don't cut yourself off from the world. Yes, you failed, but remember it is just a failure and not the end of the world!!

Think Of Your Past Successes:
When your failure has you down and depressed, the best way to lift your spirits is to think back to the times when you were successful and achieved success. Apart from making you feel better, it might also help you rediscover some of the things that led to your past successes.

Think of Your Past Failures:
This might seem like a stupid suggestion. However, thinking about your past failures might help bring back memories of how you coped then and how you turned that failure into a success. Also, think about the many successful moments you had between your past failure and your present one. It would help motivate you to get out of your present failure.

Know That Failure Is Good Too:
You many not normally look upon failure as a good thing, but it is!! Of course, you don't wish failure upon you, but if you do fail, there are just so many things that you can learn from it. Failures always teaches a person valuable life lessons. It prepares you better and makes you a more complete person. If you look back at your many failures, you would realize that had some of those failures not happened to you, many of the good things that subsequently happened wouldn't have happened either. It is surprising that the thing that you thought at the time as the worst thing to have happened to you, turns up becoming the best thing to have happened to you.

Have Faith in You:
Believe in yourself, despite your failure. Know your capabilities and have belief in them. Don't doubt yourself. Don't trash talk yourself into believing that you are no good because of your failure. Instead, keep the faith. Know what you are capable of and know that one failure doesn't change your inherent strengths.

Plan for the Road Ahead:
Failure does not mean you sit back and relax or waste your time. Failure offers you a break to reassess your priorities and your goals. Make a plan of how you hope to overcome your failure and reach your goals and set about following that plan diligently. Never give up hope!!

How to Find Your Purpose in Life?

This question has been asked by people many times, “How do you find and know your purpose in life?”  It’s a question I’ve asked myself too.  I’ve asked during times of emptiness or restlessness.  I’ve also asked during times of joy and excitement. 
“Do we really have to have a purpose in life?”  A friend thoughtfully pondered when I expressed I have been meaning to write an article regarding this topic.
“What do you mean?”
“You know, do we have to know our purpose?  Can I just live and enjoy life and make that my purpose?”
“Hmmmmm…”  I stopped in my tracks and time stood still for a few seconds.  “That’s a good question.  Well, I believe that the intention to live life with enjoyment is wonderful. When we use the word ‘purpose’ it means we want to find a reason for our existence or a reason for living.  And whatever we have chosen to do or be we must enjoy it.”
She became silent.  I don’t think she was convinced. 
I also don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to enjoy life.
But I believe there must be something more.  So I go back to my question, “How do you find your purpose in life?”

A Personal Inventory

To guide you in finding your purpose in life, make a personal inventory by asking yourself these two questions.
Personal Inventory # 1: What do you love to do?
Personal Inventory #2: Where do you excel?
It's not really complicated. But you need to know who you really are to be able to identify your passion (what do you enjoy doing?) and your potential (what do you do well?). Knowing yourself will help you find your life's purpose.

What Do You Love to Do?
The first question that you must ask yourself is what do you love to do? What is that one thing that you feel so passionate about that when you do it you feel joyful and wonderful, you feel in the zone, whole and complete? You know there is fire in your belly. You know with a certainty that this is something that you are born to do!
But this is not the only thing that you should ask yourself. Partnering off with this first question comes the second one.

Where do you excel?
Observe the one area that you excel. For sure, this is connected to something that you love doing. If you do something often enough and with passion, you begin to excel in that one thing!
I believe that all of us have a special gift and this is connected to your life’s purpose.

The Ball

A parent of one of our former students called me asking if I would like to receive donations for our preschool. She had some toys, magazines and play mats. “Yes, of course!” I replied. One of the things that she gave us was a huge ball with a handle. It was the first time we saw such a toy.
“Wow, it’s big!” We gushed.

“How do you use this?” One asked. None of us knew. It was a flabby kind of ball. It was also too big to roll or throw. The ball ended up in the corner of the room unused. 

One day, some kids entered the room. One of them saw the ball. She asked if she could play with the ball. She then took the handle and sat on the ball and began bouncing around the room.
We were all laughing. So that was the purpose of the ball with the handle!
How many of us are like this ball? If we do not know our purpose, our greatness will not come out.

Some More Things You Can Do

  • Take time to listen to your inner voice.
  • Be aware of the things that give you joy.
  • Make a personal mission statement.
  • Recall your past and your experiences that have molded you to become the person you are now.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • When you are prodded to do something, move. Act.
  • Make a dream book or a vision board

True Stories

A friend shared to me how she started working with kids, left and worked in a HR department. After several months, she remembered a quiet discontent that was nagging at her. A few days later, she saw a couple of her students walking in the mall. It suddenly dawned on her that she missed the kids. She decided she will no longer renew her contract. Just as she was about to resign, she got a call from her former employer. She happily accepted the offer. Today, she now co-owns and manages a preschool with me.
Another good friend recalls as a child she always loved to perform in front of people. As she grew older, her passion for the arts won her many awards and led her to Manila where she trained with a top director. In the course of her training, she discovered her passion for directing and training. Daisy shared, “I have known my passion and purpose since I was young. But I have seen how it has evolved through the years. I found out that my core gift is training and it gives me much fulfillment to empower people.”
It was only a few years ago that I discovered my purpose in life and it has given me deep joy.  As I look back, I realized that all the things that have happened to me have prepared me for this purpose.  I recognized the skills I have acquired are now being used.  I also know that there are more skills I need to hone but I could feel the excitement through this process.

One Last Note

For those who are still trying to find their purpose in life, we often wish that someone will tell us and reassure us.  But no one else can reveal your purpose to you.  Only you can discover it.  So start making a personal inventory today.
Don't despair.  Just continue to know yourself and love yourself more.  If you are spiritual, pray and meditate about it.  Find a friend whom you can talk to.  Find your core gift.  Discover your passion and potential. 

How to Teach Physics, Chemistry and Biology to Kindergarten, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade Students

The best way to teach a subject is to teach a little over a long period of time. So, introducing elementary age children to topics like physics, chemistry and biology can be very beneficial. If you start teaching these subjects at a basic level starting in kindergarten, 1st grade or 2nd grade, your child will have a solid basic foundation by the time they finish elementary school. They will enter middle school better prepared to learn.

Children don't effectively learn and retain information when taught disconnected facts. If your child attends elementary school in the United States, this is most likely how they are taught. It's important to teach subjects like physics, chemistry, biology and Earth science regularly and in a logical order. A children's encyclopedia can serve very effectively as an outline for either a homeschool or afterschool science curriculum.

How to Teach Physics, Chemistry and Biology

First, get a book like the Usborne First Encyclopedia of Science. This book introduces a lot of foundational concepts in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth science at a very basic level. Each topic has a two page spread. You should spend about a week on each topic. After every 3rd section or every 3 weeks, do a review week and go over previously learned material.

For each topic in the Usborne book, supplement with books from the library. It is very easy to find basic books covering major topics in the sciences aimed at early elementary age kids.

Let's use force in physics as an example of how to teach. Read the first page on forces in the Usborne book on Monday. Have your child demonstrate the concepts when possible. For example, you can have them demonstrate a pushing force and then a pulling force. The next day, read the next page on forces. On Wedensday, read your first library book. On Thursday read the second book. On Friday, do a review of keywords. After every third topic, do a review week to reinforce what your child has learned.

Look for videos on YouTube that supplement these topics. You will find some aimed at younger kids. It helps a lot to have a subscription to the website because they have videos covering many foundational topics in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. But it costs $85 a year for home use. If your child attends school or is homeschooled through some kind of public or private school program find out if the school offers for free.

It is also helpful to have your child draw a picture of what was learned and put labels on it. For example, you could have them draw a picture of the various types of forces and put a label with each one.

When you have completed the physics section, move onto a new section in the book. But make sure to do occasional reviews of previously learned material.

Learning More Advanced Topics

It will take several months to complete the Usborne First Book of Science. Once your child has these basics in place they can move onto more advanced physics, chemistry and biology books aimed at older elementary age kids. You could try the Usborne Science Encyclopedia and go through the same steps you did with the First Science Encyclopedia. The Science Encyclopedia can again serve the purpose of being a homeschool or afterschool curriculum if well supplemented with other learning resources.

Usborne has books called What's Physics All About?, What's Chemistry All About? and What's Biology All About? that could also be a good next step.
The website has a free Life Science book in PDF format that is aimed at elementary age students. You can also buy physics, chemistry and Earth science books. Each book is a one year program.

Is Alpha Omega Curriculum Right for Your Homeschool?

Whether you are new to homeschooling, or just ready to try a different approach with your children, Alpha Omega curriculum may be just what you are looking for. The company has been creating fundamentalist Christian curriculum for homeschooling families as well as private Christian schools since the 1970s. They currently offer five different choices to cover any budget or need.

About the Company
With headquarters in Rock Rapids, Iowa Alpha Omega Publications goal was to be able to offer curriculum that was available and affordable to all. The company continues to create curriculum that is used by homeschooling families all over the world.

They have been developing a variety of homeschooling materials since the beginnings of the homeschooling revolution in 1977. They offer not only curriculum but books, games, and online support.

Alpha Omega Curriculum Choices

One of the many benefits of homeschooling is the flexibility involved. Parents can pick and choose curricula that fill the individual needs of their families. Alpha Omega has a number of programs to cover any homeschooling need or style.


Horizon is a workbook based program for preschool through 12th grade. It includes teacher's guides, daily planners and schedules.
The spiral approach to learning used in this program is helpful for committing the material to long term memory. The spiral approach is a system where the foundation of a subject is introduced simply at first and then detail added at each grade level.
  • · The workbooks are colorful
  • · Students can work at their own pace
  • · Students are encouraged to work independently
  • · Subjects are presented in simple format
  • · Pages are not reproducible
  • · Workbook formats don’t always hold a child’s attention
  • · Requires some parental involvement


If not the first curriculum package that Alpha Omega released, it is without a doubt one of the first. LIFEPACs are available for students in kindergarten through grade 12.

LIFEPACs are a workbook approach to learning. Each subject is divided up into about ten workbooks per grade. The books can be purchased individually or as a set, which can be helpful to parents who do not have a large amount of money to invest all at once. Each book takes about three to four weeks to complete; students move ahead at their own pace so this is only an average. From third grade on the parent’s involvement decreased as the student becomes more independent.
Throughout each workbook are quizzes to check mastery of the material. There is also a test at the end of each book that must be passed before moving ahead to the next book in the series.
  • Mix grade levels to create a customized curriculum for your child
  • Student works at his own pace
  • Encourages independent study
  • Many Christians will appreciate the biblical worldview
  • Best for visual learners
  • Rote memorization; memorization is not necessarily the same as learning
  • Can be boring
  • Fundamentalist Christian viewpoint may bother other religions, denominations, and faiths
  • Children with learning styles other than visual may have trouble concentrating


Monarch curriculum has been created for grades 3 to 12. It is an online curriculum that is compatible with most web browsers and either Windows or Macintosh operating systems.
This curriculum uses a variety of media to capture a child’s interest and attention. Some of the methods used to present material are:
  • Animations
  • Audio clips
  • Internet links
  • Learning games
  • Movie clips
It is purchased by subscription and each subscription lasts 18 months. It can be used anywhere in the world where there is an available Internet connection.
  • Grading is done automatically
  • Records are kept for seven years after the subscription ends
  • Entirely self directed
  • Eco-friendly; program is paperless
  • Can’t be used without an Internet connection
  • A more expensive option that LIFEPAC or other programs
  • You really need one computer per child

Switched-On Schoolhouse

Switched on Schoolhouse is a computer based program but does not require the Internet for use. It is designed for relatively independent learning for grades 3 to 12.
  • Parent can plan lessons in advance
  • Lessons are customizable
  • Automatic grading and record keeping
  • Parent can easily track progress
  • Independent learning
  • Does not require internet connection
  • Programs can freeze up
  • Not good for children that need a lot of parental supervision and help
  • Not a great choice for children with ADD/ADHD

The Weaver Curriculum

The Weaver Curriculum is a unit study for students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12. It is a holistic learning model, with every subject related to the theme for the week or month. A variety of assignments and activities are suggested for each theme.
Activities include:
  • Experiments
  • Field trip ideas
  • Maps
  • Timelines
  • Parent can teach all grade levels at once
  • Lessons can be completely tailored to a particular learning style
  • Creative
  • Hands on learning
  • Good for large homeschooling families
  • Requires a huge amount of parental involvement
  • Requires preparation time
  • Intimidating for new homeschoolers because it is so different from the traditional school model
  • Requires a separate math program

Choosing a Curriculum that Fits Your Lifestyle

Homeschooling parents are as prone to peer pressure as any student. It can be easy to fall into the habit of using a curriculum that a friend or neighbor raves about, whether or not it fits the family’s lifestyle.
It is important to remember that, not only does each child learn differently, each family has different needs as well. What works for one may be totally unsuitable for another. Parents know their children and should choose curriculum based on:
  • Learning style of the child
  • Teaching style of the parent
  • Size of the family
  • Time constraints
  • Special needs of the family
  • Special interests of the family
  • Budget
  • Lifestyle

Is Alpha Omega Curriculum Right for You?

If you want a curriculum with a strong biblical world view, based on scripture, and with a fundamentalist, protestant viewpoint then Alpha Omega curriculum might be what you are looking for. With a wide range of curriculum styles, costs, and formats, it is a varied curriculum that works well for many people.

Reintroducing Intellectual Ambition to the Study of Business History

So it was news when its editors recently challenged business historians to move beyond incremental additions to the literature and instead return to tackling big subjects with major importance to the future of business. "Rehashing past controversies is not a sign of a vibrant discipline, but of one whose intellectual ambition has shrunk," wrote editors Walter A. Friedman and Geoffrey Jones.

For example, on the subject of environmental sustainability, the authors observed: "It is odd that business historians have not devoted more attention to sustainability, given that, arguably, the actions of companies have been the primary causes of environmental damage and climate change over the last two centuries. The time has come for mainstream business history to incorporate the environmental impact of business in its agenda."

Other research agenda topics identified by Friedman and Jones included establishing causal links between entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic growth; exploring the relationship between business and democracy; and the role entrepreneurs and firms, not governments or markets, have played in driving globalization.

"Important subjects are waiting for investigation and, above all, for debate and the development of new frameworks. Fierce argument and methodological innovation have moved academic subjects forward, not bland rejections of previous frameworks."

An excerpt from the essay, "Business History: Time for Debate," is offered below.
As if to underscore the importance of business history to the future improvement of business management, HBS on Thursday announced the creation of the Business History Initiative, a multidisciplinary research and teaching effort that will take its place alongside five other Initiatives: Social Enterprise, Global, Business and the Environment, Healthcare, and Leadership.

"The Initiative designation is meant to acknowledge a new phase of activity: one that we hope will engage the faculty, students, staff, and alumni in enhancing and extending both knowledge creation and impact," said Harvard Business School Dean Nitin Nohria, in making the announcement. Jones will serve as chair of this Initiative and Friedman will be its director.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Adam Smith believed in Free Trade not free markets

Over a period of about 30 years that ended with the recession in 2008 there was an obsession with Free Market reforms that bordered on insanity. Nationalised industries in the UK were sold to the public at bargain basement prices, but the ordinary citizen, whether they purchased shares or not, saw no significant benefit. In the US the repeal of the Glass-Steagal act, which ring fenced investment banking to protect citizens from casino capitalism was hailed triumphantly as progress, just as the act that prevented private individuals in the USA from going into protective bankruptcy was doubtless hailed as making feckless people responsible for their own actions and cementing the American tradition that corporations have more rights than humans. Although Free Marketry is not so much in fashion now, it will come back and someone has to remind people of its weaknesses.

The Adam Smith Cult

Many of the free market Fanatics of the 80s onwards took Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (WON) as a scriptural text with the attitude that there is no god but the market and Adam Smith is its prophet, (for without a prophet they would not be in business). Various Free market Privateers (dedicated to privatising as much as possible) used alleged quotes and misinterpretation of Smith's long and rather tedious book to bolster their theories, theories Smith would probably have categorically rejected. Many of the most vociferous Smithians had never read WON and got their ideas of Smith, in particular removing regulation of business, from text and sound bites from other Smithians.

The twentieth century Smith cult ignored the vastly different world in which Smith lived, ignored the changes in the English Language since WON was first published, and ignored the fact that for Smith maximisation of profit meant maximisation of employment, something that has gone by the board with machine based mass production: indeed in his Essay “The Right to be Lazy” Lafarge notes that the use of machinery resulted in massive overproduction.

The Large Gap Between the Rich and Poor in Third World Countries

There Is No Middle Class in the Third World

The world is in an economic mess no what which country you mean. First world countries like United States, Canada, and Great Britain are full of people who are unemployed and people who are living below poverty. This is a deplorable situation for every country.

Meanwhile, first world countries are also full of wealthy people who live the high life. Through hard work at jobs that have allowed them to retire eventually in luxury, a job that pays high wages in the first place so that the people never knew poverty, or inheriting money rich people are very rich indeed. There is nothing wrong with this unless they pay their employees low wages or send all their jobs overseas. Some rich people actually do this. However - There are plenty of rich people that do neither of these things. They pay their employees proper wages and try the best they can to run a business in an world economy that is tanking.

But first world countries have a middle class. Always remember this. No matter how bad the situation is in our countries, we do indeed have a class of people who are neither living in squalor nor in a huge estate. Because of this middle class, there is some balance where we live. It does not excuse the fact that poor people can't afford to take care of themselves. However, it does mean that the extremes are not as noticeable as in, say, Hong Kong.

The Effects of Inflation

Effects of Inflation

Inflation is not considered bad so long as it creates additional employment to the factors of production.  It becomes bad the moment it goes out of control.  Inflation may be compared to a robber.  It deprives the victim of some possession with the difference that robber is visible, inflation is invisible.  The robber's victim may be one or a few at a time.  But the victim of inflation is the whole nation.  The robber may be dragged to a court of law but inflation is legal.  Inflation disrupts the economy and paves the way for social and economic upheavals, besides being highly demoralizing.

The entrepreneur faced with the demand for higher wages and trying to keep up with such a demand, a retired person trying to manage his living on a fixed pension, a person with fixed income meeting his needs of household expenditure by borrowing from banks and other financial organizations, and the housewife struggling hard to serve food in a period of rising prices are aware of the effects of inflation with out being told about it.

Effects of inflation on distribution: Inflation has the effect of redistributing income because prices of all factors do not in the same proportion.  Entrepreneurs stand to gain more than wage earners or fixed income groups.  Speculators, hoarders, black marketers and smugglers gain on account of windfall profits.  Change in the value of money also result in the redistribution of wealth, partly because during inflation there is no uniform rise in prices and partly because debts are expressed in terms of money.  Inflation is a kind of hidden tad, highly harmful to the poorer sections of society.  Thus, poor become poorer.

Multinational corporations are more harmful than beneficial to developing countries

Multinational corporations are large companies that expand their businesses to other countries through globalization. Many American companies have moved their factories to countries with a less developed economy and political system. The American dream has multiplied multinational corporations so that we are able to take advantage of cheap consumerist products for cheap labor in order to achieve our dreams of having a big house, fancy car, and new technologies that the economic market has to offer. The whole world is interconnected by the global trading system.

These corporations have a strong hold on the local media and influence a consumerist ideology on the people through the use of commercialization. The consumerist to presume a higher standard of living the cost must buy goods that are mass produced in other countries through cheap labor. Wal-mart products are mass produced in China, and they are shipped over to the United States to be sold to middle class families. Multinational corporations have a history of taking control or having some power in the political system because they have so much investment in the country.

Many of these corporations take advantage of the political system because they have such a strong impact on the economy it would be devastating to the country if a corporation decided to remove its large investment from the country’s economy. The companies can just pay off government officials to protect their company from being shut down. The government is then compelled to accommodate the companies by modify their labor and environmental policies. Powerful business owners are not as heavily punished; they can just use their money or power of their company to avoid jail time for any crimes they committed. Billions of dollars are stolen each year by corporations through tax evasion from developing countries. Many CEOs and other employees of multinational corporations are guilty of crimes such as fraud and tax evasion that are overlooked because they can use their powerful position and money to avoid any serious punishment.

How high inflation rate affects on business and economy

In simple language, inflation means rising prices and it shows the increase in cost of living. In economics, inflation is explained as rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. With the rise in price levels a unit of currency will buy fewer goods and services. As a result, the purchasing power of money will be reduced with inflation. In other words the real value of money will be lost day by day along with inflation. Inflation is measured by the Rate of Inflation or Inflation Rate which is the percentage change in a general price index calculated as an annualized figure.
A low inflation rate is beneficial to a country and zero or negative inflation is considered as bad. Also, a high inflation is harmful to an economy and it affects an economy in many ways.
  • High inflation distorts consumer behavior. Because of the fear of price increases, people tend to purchase their requirements in advance as much as possible. This can destabilize markets creating unnecessary shortages.
  • High inflation redistributes the income of people. The fixed income earners and those lacking bargaining power will become relatively worse off as their purchasing power falls.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

How To Build An Earthship

What do you get when you put together pop cans, glass bottles, old tires, chicken wire and concrete? Would you believe, it's a house? This would be a special earth friendly house design called an Earth Ship.

Michael Reynolds is the architect who developed the original design which has now been constructed all over the world. It is the ultimate for those interested in sustainable living. The concept is to take waste materials like pop cans, glass bottles and old vehicle tires and recycle them into a valuable commodity, something everybody needs, a house. The resulting house costs nothing to heat or cool, can be built by the owner, has no utility bills, can grow vegetables year round, and is a very earth friendly structure because it becomes part of the land rather than just being perched on top of the land.

Michael Reynolds introduces the Earthship

An Earth Ship can be as simple as a one room with a loft or as complex as a multi-family apartment complex. One of the most famous Earth Ship homes was built by the actor Dennis Weaver and cost millions of dollars to complete. A small one can be constructed for a few thousand dollars, basically just the cost of the cement mix and if you are in a climate that is compatible with adobe type construction, and will do the labor for yourself, even less.

Oraganization and time management tips for homework

As you leave your bedroom, you trip over a pile of dirty laundry and snag a pen from the floor. Your History project that’s due today is completely missing. You can’t find the vocabulary paper that you did last night. You miss breakfast and the bus. You have to sign in late, missing most of Science class and the test that you failed to remember.  Sound a little too familiar?  By improving your organizational habits, you can avoid this nightmare. Planning, devoting time to it every day, and being willing to stay with it will not only improve your grades but also decrease stress levels at the same time.  Here are some tips and reminders to help you improve your organizational habits.

  • Organize a study area. Designate a specific work area at home where you can keep all of your school materials.
  • (This may involve having to clean your room!) But this can be wherever you feel comfortable working. When you get home in the afternoon, put everything right there. Keep it organized and free of clutter, and all of your things will be easy to use, and especially easy to find.
  • Use your agenda book for more than a passbook. Record not only homework assignments but also due dates for projects. Fill in all of your commitments, (practices, club meetings, etc.) This gives you a better sense of your available time and helps you to use it wisely.
  • Keep each subject separate. Set up different folders, 3-ring binders, or notebooks for each subject. Be sure to follow any directions that a teacher may give – you may be required to have a 3-ring binder or a spiral notebook for a particular class. Otherwise, use the method that works best for you.  Take a few moments every day to keep up with this organization. Be sure that papers are in the correct folder, punch holes to put papers into binders, and put materials in some type of order. Chronological order is usually most effective, so be sure to date every paper that you receive.

Importance of Math Tutor in Child’s Education

Readiness for kindergarten is determined by several factors aside from the age of the student such as things like social, motor, and language development.  Prior to a student beginning kindergarten he or she should also be familiar with numbers and letters. During these formative years it is extremely important for the child to have a keen handle on counting and other basic mathematical skills.

However, the majority of students (especially in the United States) will start school with an insufficient understanding of math and numbers. This is a growing problem which has put a stranglehold on the American education system. Children are becoming more and more discouraged. They are content to sit silently in the back of the classroom or automatically look to the teacher for correct answers instead of trying themselves.  If the teacher gives them the answer each time, it enables a dependent mentality.

This mentality does not foster the active learning that is necessary for a child to succeed. In some extreme circumstances, students have drifted below the radar for their entire academic career and received a high school diploma without achieving even the most rudimentary of mathematical proficiency.

What can you do with a sociology degree?

Sociology degrees, like the humanities, can be taken in combination with another field of study and some real skills in a global market. People do what they do, with educational influence that crash business and society.

Sociology degree, we first have to know the sociology means. Sociology is the study on how human interacts. We have different personality and hobbies. But sometime position will also depend on our environment. The Sociologists in the health care provides several data for management to decide what group of people, need more medical. The school of social sciences degree in particular in the field of communal view and logical request. Sociology level colleges present their learner to various ideas developed, confirmed and well known within the range of professionals.

Sociology features many places of scientific disciplines, so that the school level will help learners in the different places.
Social category change and structure of components of sociology. Students will have the chance to get experience through their school level. Whether or not an internship is required. Learning on the internet is becoming an extremely available option in universities to be familiar with the meaning of providing available levels to everyone. Sociology school plans can be obtained on the internet.

Skills of Successful Sociologists

Students and professionals who excel in the field of sociology typically display a number of the following skills and characteristics:

 * Ability to recognize trends and patterns. Sociologists must develop a keen eye for detail and a gift for spotting relationships between pieces of information. By cultivating patterns from otherwise abstract data, sociologists can break through puzzling roadblocks during research assignments.

Following these trails can lead to important discoveries and understandings for sociologists throughout their careers. To grow their talent for uncovering these relationships, many sociology programs expose students to new courses in game theory and traditional classes in art. Viewing data from unusual points of view not only breaks up the monotony of data analysis, but it usually results in the recognition of important patterns.

* Ability to create concise reports and essays.
Whether reporting to superiors on the results of research or developing new funding proposals, sociologists rely frequently on their ability to write effective reports. Sociology students learn how to modulate their writing for different audiences. When preparing reports for peers and colleagues, they can use industry shorthand and insider terminology to keep memos and files brief. When writing external reports for funding agencies, or politicians, or the media, they translate that jargon into easily digestible nuggets of information.

 * Strong critical thinking skills. Sociology degree programs challenge students to build their analytical skills through a series of increasingly challenging assignments over the course of their studies. Sociology majors spend time in introductory courses examining the techniques that professionals use to investigate theories. As they move through intermediate and advanced courses, they start to use those techniques on their own research projects. By the time they near graduation, sociology majors use their keen critical thinking skills to solve problems and identify opportunities in their own research.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Motivation for Returning to College

What is the motivation for adult learners returning to higher education after being out of school and in the workforce for a period of time? Not everyone decides to go back to school for the same reasons. Find out more about the reasons that adult learners choose to seek higher education.

Reasons Adults Go Back to School

A few of the reasons that adults find the motivation to go back to college are detailed below.

Qualify for Career Advancement
A desire for career advancement is one of the most common reasons that adults decide to go back to college. Many people leave college before graduating because they need to go to work and start earning an income. However, they often find that it's difficult to continue to move up in their careers without a college degree. When faced with the realization that promotional opportunities may be few and far between unless they earn an academic credential, many working adults choose to return to college.

Separate from the issues faced by working adults who are not degreed, those who hold undergraduate degrees may find that the highest level employment opportunities in their fields are reserved by individuals who hold graduate level degrees. Those with ambitions of climbing the corporate ladder or pursuing a career in academia often choose to return to college to earn Master's or doctoral degrees.

How a Homeschooler Applies to College

As homeschooling grows in popularity, many colleges and universities are putting together special requirements for homeschooled applicants. Learn the answer to the question, "How does a homeschooler apply to college?" Find out what you will need in your student's portfolio and more here.

So...Just How Does a Homeschooler Apply to College?

How does a homeschooler apply to college? It can be tricky to traverse the ins and outs of college admission if you’ve chosen to homeschool your child. With a few simple tips, navigating the way from application to admission can be smooth and successful.

Optimally, you will begin thinking about college admissions in 7th or 8th grade. This is true of homeschooled students and public or private school students; but it is especially true for homeschooled students. The very first step in the application process is researching to find out what universities are homeschooler friendly (there are many, including Ivy league schools and junior colleges alike) and what the requirements are for the high school course of study. Most schools will require high school students to take:
  • Four years of English
  • Four years of math (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2/Trigonometry Pre-Calculus or Calculus)

How Do I Know If My Child is On Track?

As parents of school at home, I ask you how your child compares with peers in the public system? Do you have any questions on the field performance of your child's well-meaning family members or the community? Getting a grip on your child's progress more easily from these estimates.

If Homeschoolers use assessments?
This is a decision that will vary according to regional needs and personal preferences. Some states require homeschooled students to participate in standardized tests. Check with your local association of home schooling or school district for requirements in your area. If the evaluation is optional, you do not select a few homeschoolers in order to evaluate all, while others choose to regularly test their children. Assessments of reading education at home can be very useful because it can give peace of mind when your child is under way to reduce or areas for children, the need to fight. You can also help parents to choose reading material that their children a level of education or whatever.

Tips & Resources Homeschooling a Child with Autism

Children with autism process information differently and sometimes fighting in a traditional school setting. Many opt for homeschooling a child with autism to give undivided personal attention.

New Developments in Autism Research
Recent studies suggest that children with Asperger syndrome had significantly more brain cells than children without the disorder. The prefrontal cortex, located behind the forehead, is responsible for the "higher order" thinking skills. This area of ​​the brain where our emotions, thoughts and skills to solve complex problems to come. This new finding may discard earlier theories that mercury in vaccines or other environmental factors in the cause of autism is that most of the neurons or brain cells develop before birth.

Autistic children have difficulties in communication, social skills, and information processing. Because these children, the brain has a different structure, process the information in ways that are different from most people. Here are some tips, curriculum ideas and information on laws that your trip for successful homeschooling and help your child with special needs reach their full potential.

Why Homeschool Kids Are Smarter Than Kids Who go to Public School

A Canadian study has shown that children who are taught at home are usually more intelligent than children attend public schools. These results are not surprising but are consistent with the decision of a will the education of their children. Find out why you want to teach their children make the leap to home should be.

Why my kid is smarter
Not to brag, but I have compliments for my son the whole time was given for two things: his intelligence and good character. Many parents around the time their children become teens are biting their nails hoping for the best. I do not worry. I know my son is comfortable enough in their skin to get his own place in the world upright. I mention these two compliment to the simple fact that I chose to homeschool him.

May support prior to entering into a discussion of the Canadian study, home schooling, parents already know what, I would be a few reasons why I offer that homeschooled children perform better on tests and think, why they tend to be more intellectually inclined.

First, do not children taught at home learn to hate learning. In the public school environment is reduced to the system of punishments and rewards, inherent fun, learn new things about the world around us. In contrast, public schools must demonstrate a commitment to a specific body of knowledge.