Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Tips & Resources Homeschooling a Child with Autism

Children with autism process information differently and sometimes fighting in a traditional school setting. Many opt for homeschooling a child with autism to give undivided personal attention.

New Developments in Autism Research
Recent studies suggest that children with Asperger syndrome had significantly more brain cells than children without the disorder. The prefrontal cortex, located behind the forehead, is responsible for the "higher order" thinking skills. This area of ​​the brain where our emotions, thoughts and skills to solve complex problems to come. This new finding may discard earlier theories that mercury in vaccines or other environmental factors in the cause of autism is that most of the neurons or brain cells develop before birth.

Autistic children have difficulties in communication, social skills, and information processing. Because these children, the brain has a different structure, process the information in ways that are different from most people. Here are some tips, curriculum ideas and information on laws that your trip for successful homeschooling and help your child with special needs reach their full potential.

Structure and Organization
Autistic children have difficulty learning in school than at home because of the many distractions that surround it. These boys and girls in the structure and the particular need of a particular area free of distractions such as noise, visual effects, not related to the curriculum taught, and odors, even. Even simple pictures can be hung on the wall out of his thoughts in another direction. Before starting school at home, be sure to get a space in your home that is free of distractions and is used specifically for learning is anonymous.

Structure and organization is very important for autistic children, as it reduces the confusion, anxiety and behavioral problems. Follow a strict routine with their daily schedules, calendars and lists of images so that the child knows what at the time and what is expected to do next. By creating a program, it is important that your child's individual strengths, weaknesses, and skill level to be considered.
Visual aids and teaching tips
Some children with autism have great difficulty with language skills, their heads are not usually able to process speech or writing. They process information through what they see. For this reason, a variety of visual aids and demonstrations is necessary in the teaching of any subject. With your image-Flash is ideal. For example, if your child is learning about nouns and verbs, you can cook a picture of a cat, dog, child, jumping, singing girl or a woman. Use photos that contain a picture and word. Frequent use of real life is also great visuals.
When teaching math manipulatives should always be used. With pizza and cake is cut into equal parts a great way to teach fractions. Online games for learning are also very useful for children with this disorder, because many children with autism to enjoy computers, art and music. If a child has difficulty controlling the mouse trackballs are available and easy to use for children with special needs. Children are interested in the use of tools can be used in the learning process. Be sure to stop an activity before the child is frustrated or bored.
Read at least 20 minutes a day is necessary for all children. As you read, touch and feel, audio, pictures and books are used. During reading, to teach children to show pictures and name objects. Repetition is a necessity. You can read a good idea, the same book over and over again to be for a few days before moving to a new story. Traditional methods of reading usually do not work for autistic children. Evaluate different methods of learning, until they conform to an individual for your child's needs.
Autistic children have difficulty sequencing and ordering. However, all look good in music. Of songs that can benefit the order of operations math or days, weeks and months of the year to teach. The songs can also be used to teach any subject with a plurality of skills. , The music is of an autistic child, the curriculum is a smart move.
Teaching social skills
Most children with autism have difficulty communicating and interacting with others. Many are unable to speak or write, so it is crucial to understanding the care of children's gestures and body language to communicate what they are trying to pay. Make a list of appropriate and inappropriate behavior on the basis of images whenever possible. Do not forget to reward your child often for good behavior.
Autistic children in a way that acts in a socially acceptable way. Parents and caregivers can act in a variety of social situations in order to demonstrate appropriate behavior. Puppet draw the attention of a child and usually good for RPGs. Another technique is to watch videos and listen to children's stories that teach a moral.
Recommended curriculum
My personal belief is that autistic children benefit most from an individualized education plan and that the curriculum should be chosen to help them plan. Therefore, the purchase of the curriculum or enrollment in an online education program will not be the best option. There are a variety of programs and curricula are available, which are aimed at children with autism. "Teachh" is a government program that uses various techniques and methods to help autistic children. "Time to Learn" is a good online curriculum, children at your own pace with a variety of games, stories and activities to move. However, they cost $ 20 per month. Lessons given example, allowing you to watch the program, and meet the specific needs of your child is able to assess. For more information on the curriculum for autistic children check out "Polyxo the" Web site.
Legal and available
The legality of education students at home with special needs may vary depending on the state. Some states do not require more than one message, while others require mandatory reporting and testing at regular intervals. Contact the district to find out the rules and regulations in your individual situation before making a formal decision to homeschool.

Children with special needs are educated at home are entitled to receive speech therapy, occupational and physical. Some districts have to bring their parents, a child in a particular place and the area agency on education services. In general, the IEP will be created to keep parents specific educational policies if homeschooling. The main difference is that it requires some states, you can test while others do not know if the IEP is observed.

Homeschooling a child with autism takes hard work and patience. However, the reward comes when you know your child has reached its full potential and see who helped make this possible. More tips for teaching children with autism can be found in the following resources. If you want to share one of their own experience or advice, we'd love to hear from you.

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