Sunday, 22 April 2012

What do Cell Biologists Do?

What is Cell Biology?

Cell biology is the study of the fundamental unit of life - the humble cell. Cell Theory states that all living things are made up of tiny units called 'cells.' Cytology, the study of cell structure, was born in 1665 when Robert Hooke used a self-built microscope to examine thin slices of cork. The compartments he viewed under the microscope he named cellulae; Latin for 'little rooms.' (Actually what Hooke observed were not cells at all but empty cell walls that make up tree bark)
As microscopes improved and more detail was gathered about cells, Theodor Schwann began to develop cell theory. Postulated in 1839, Schwann's theory had two basic tenets:
  1. All organisms consist of one or more cells
  2. The cell is the basic unit of structure for all organisms.
In 1855, German physiologist Rudolf Virchow realised that cells could only arise by the division of other, preexisting cells - coining the term omnis cellula e cellula. This, when translated, is the third tenet of modern cell theory
3. All cells arise only from preexisting cells.
Put simply, cell biology is the study of both the basic structure of all organisms and the basic unit of reproduction. This makes an understanding of cell biology fundamental to all other aspects of biology.

What do Cell Biologists Do?

Cell Biologists are heavily involved in fertility treatment, cancer research, neurological research (e.g. Alzheimer's), sport science, food technology, genetic engineering, embryology, development, and disease diagnosis and name but a few. With the cell being the basis of life on Earth, modern cell biology is one of the most dynamic disciplines in biology, if not in science as a whole The modern cell biologist cannot only concern themselves with cytology (the study of cellular structure). Without the contribution biochemistry and genetics, the workings of the cell would still be a mystery. Cell biologists must therefore have a working knowledge of all three disciplines. Due to this, it is immensely difficult to pin down what an 'average' cell biologist does - it is like saying "what does a scientist do?" or "what does an engineer do?"

There are, however, some common strands. Most cell biologists will spend some of their time cell culturing (growing cells) and conducting cell assays (testing them with/for something). But there the similarities between researchers end. When I worked in a research lab for the British Heart Foundation, I worked with cells cultured from rodent hearts and HeLa cells. Other biologists in the lab were working on cancerous cell lines, whilst still others worked with bacteria.

Whilst the practical details of the job can vary, the paperwork is somewhat more generic. Experimental results must be written up and analysed. Staff meetings are often used to share recent results. Most labs require their scientists to report relevant papers from other institutions to keep staff up-to-date with the most recent developments in their field. The job therefore requires a lot of reading and researching.

What Skills does a Cell Biologist Need?

The most important traits for a prospective cell biologist are:
  • an eye for accuracy and manual dexterity - both vital for intricate lab work;
  • patience;
  • strong subject knowledge and enough insight to interpret your results;
  • excellent written and verbal communication skills;
  • competency with ICT and basic cytological techniques (cell culturing, separation, and visualisation, as well as basic cell assays)
It must be stressed that those without a firm basis in mathematics will struggle pursuing a career in cell biology. Raw data is (usually) useless; it requires some manipulation using tools such as statistics. Papers published in journals are the lifeblood of academic institutions. To understand results from other institutions, let alone publish your own, requires good mathematical knowledge. Some institutions employ dedicated statisticians, but a firm basis in stats yourself will really help you stand out from the crowd.

The other thing you need is mental toughness. Working as a research scientist you must be prepared for failure - many of your experiments will fail...or worse...come back inconclusive. Experiments can take days and weeks and, without determination, a lack of success can grind you down. This only serves to make to 'eureka' moment all the more satisfying.

How to Become a Cell Biologist?

The road to becoming a cell biologist should be one that starts with a love of science. For research associate positions, at least a Bachelor's degree - preferably with honours - is required. If you are looking to become a research scientist-proper, a PhD is necessary. the usefulness of MSc or MPhil qualifications is debated - they can give you a useful foot on the ladder and can give you an insight into the life of a full-time researcher so you can see if pursuing this career is right for you.

With the job market being so competitive, you need something to tip you over the edge. Any work experience programmes offered during the course of your university studies are highly beneficial. If there is the option to study any modules in mathematics, statistics or computer modelling (particularly practical courses), then take them up. Skill/qualifications in bioinformatics, biostatistics and genomics are highly sought-after in the new generation of cell biologist.

Also, get as much practice and experience as you can in basic techniques in cell biology. Practice preparing samples for visualisation, preparing cell assays, sterile technique etc. Make sure you are up-to-date with the latest advancements in your chosen field and ensure your CV is finely-tuned to the job you want.

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