Thursday, 9 February 2012

Fun Gross Motor Activities for Kids

Gross Motor Development is the development of large muscles of our body. The muscles that go to our ability to implement and simple movement. We see great changes in gross motor development of children between the ages of 3 and 5:
The three-year-old can:Walking, running, turning and stopping.Coordination in different situations.Begin balancing on.Encourage energy during the game, but still needs to rest.
The four-year-old can:Walking, running, turning and stopping.Start learning to jump.In general, climbing and balance.Play and Stay, without being an active rest period.
The five-year-old can:Walking, running, and jumping.Coordinate their movements so they can swim, bike, skate.Balance, jump and climb well.Remain active for a long time and has high energy.

Should note that there are four general rules to parents when their child helps develop gross motor skills:First, protection. Children need large spaces in which they run around safely, without being able to do damage.Secondly friends. Makes including your child's classmates in the activities more fun and joy.Third, be patient! It takes time for skills like jumping, balance and catch a ball to purchase. So do not be frustrated if your child can not master to be able to learn these skills in a short period of time.And finally practice. Take time to practice these new skills with your child.
Here are some examples of slightly gross motor activities for preschoolers:
Shake it!In this activity, body awareness in children's gross motor age game, you get a child to identify body parts and then move. Shake your head, knees, hands, arms, and so on.
Ankle footGet your child to clean out your ankles with your hands and leave. This is a great way to improve their coordination and awareness management.
Red light, green lightAn easy way to practice traffic rules. A green light means go (or run), and the red light means stop (or support).
What time is it Mr. Wolf?The "Wolf" is at one end of the floor, his back and everyone else is all the way on the other side. Children ask, "What time is it Mr. Wolf?" and the responses of wolf in a time when children should then follow the steps as a function of time (for example, whether it was 05 hours, the children would have to take up to 5 steps) to go. The game continues in the line of the question, until the wolf thinks that children are responding in the vicinity, in which case he or she would: "lunch" and turned around and try to trap children. If you are caught, the wolf is at the next round. This game is a fun game, loved by all children.
Statues of the gamePlaying music and dance. When the music stops your child to FREEZE! In class, bringing the topic of this week's game. For example, if we learn to fall, I would say that children will freeze in the form of a tree. A simple and easy to gross motor activities for preschoolers

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