Monday, 6 February 2012

Corporation vs Partnership

First CreationPosted CORPORATION own right, created by the partnership agreement of the parties;
Second The number of the founding membersCORPORATION requires at least 5 founding members;Alliance requires at least two partners;
Third From the legalCorporation has acquired legal personality from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Incorporation by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the association takes the form of legal personality of the date of execution of the partnership contract
Fourth PowersCorporation may exercise the legal assignment of express or implied, or the events of his existence, the association may exercise any of the partners (if not against the law, morals, good customs, public order, the public policy) authorizes

Fifth BodyCompany the authority to do business and your business to the Board of Trustees and has been transferred; ASSOCIATION If management does not agree, each partner is an agent of the association
Sixth Impact of mismanagementCORPORATION The case against a member of the board of directors or trustees who are not well managed on behalf of the society must be; ASSOCIATION A partner may sue as such, co-partner, the mismanagement of

Seventh Law of SuccessionCORPORATION has the right to successionThe association has the legal successor
Eighth Scope of Third Party LiabilityShareholders of the Corporation are responsible only to the extent that the shares have been subscribed to, members of the Association is personally responsible and subsidiary (sometimes jointly) for the debts of the shares to third
Ninth Transferability of interestShareholders of the Corporation generally has the right of their shares without the prior consent of other shareholders of the transfer, because a company is on this principle;Partner Association can not transfer to make your participation in the company to the transferee a partner without the unanimous consent of all existing partners because the partnership is based on the principle of Delectus personarum
10th duration of the existenceSociety can not be extended for a period of more than 50 years made no more than 50 years in one case;Alliance can be set to any time period established by the partners
11 Name of the companyCompany may adopt any name provided it is not the same or similar to any name, limited liability company is a legal requirement to add the word "Ltd." your name
12 ResolutionCorporation may be dissolved only with the consent of the State, the association may be dissolved at any time, or by all partners
13 Governing LawCorporation of the Companies Act, limited to Civil Code

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